ASSET Symposium in conjunction with ACM MobiSys2024 (Lee LiuCheng)


参加した学会名ASSET Symposium in conjunction with ACM MobiSys2024
開催場所東京都港区虎ノ門ヒルズ 森タワー
報告者LiuCheng Lee


ACM MobiSys 2024 is an international conference focusing on mobile systems, applications, and services. It brings together researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals to discuss the latest advancements in mobile computing. The event features paper presentations, workshops, panels, and demonstrations, providing a platform for sharing innovative research, networking, and fostering collaborations within the mobile systems community.

ACM MobiSys 2024は、モバイルシステム、アプリケーション、サービスに焦点を当てた国際会議です。この会議は、モバイルコンピューティングの最新の進歩について議論するために、研究者、実務者、業界の専門家を一堂に集めます。イベントでは、論文発表、ワークショップ、パネルディスカッション、デモンストレーションが行われ、革新的な研究を共有し、ネットワーキングやモバイルシステムコミュニティ内での協力関係を促進するためのプラットフォームを提供します。



Improving English Teaching using Deep Directed Graph Knowledge Tracking LLM Models


This paper explores how to use ChatGPT to generate a series of questions for English learners to answer. These questions are automatically categorized and tracked by the DKVMN (Differentiable Neural Computer Key-Value Memory Network) model to monitor the learners' progress. Additionally, by employing the DQN (Deep Q-Network) reinforcement learning method to identify learners' learning status, GPT will provide questions of varying difficulty based on these conditions, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of English teaching.

ChatGPTを利用して英語学習者が回答する一連の質問を生成する方法を探ります。これらの質問は、DKVMN(Differentiable Neural Computer Key-Value Memory Network)モデルによって自動的に分類され、学習者の進捗が追跡されます。さらに、DQN(Deep Q-Network)強化学習方法を使用して学習者の学習状況を識別し、GPTがこれらの状況に基づいて異なる難易度の質問を提供することで、英語教育の効果を高めます。

  • Q1: Besides English learning, can it also be applied to learning in other fields of knowledge?
    Q1: 英語学習以外に、他の知識分野の学習にも適用可能ですか?
  • Q2: Can it integrate with other devices? For instance, since GPT now has voice capabilities, can it be used for practicing conversations?
    Q2: 他のデバイスと統合できますか?例えば、GPTには現在音声機能がありますが、会話の練習に使用できますか?


I attended an ACM conference in Tokyo, a 5-day, 4-night event. Tokyo felt vibrant upon arrival, and there were many outstanding individuals at the conference. It was my first academic conference, so I was quite nervous initially.

During the conference, I met researchers from around the world and discovered that their work is cutting-edge, motivating me to strive harder.

Many major companies gave presentations on AI applications in their industries. There were also enlightening speeches from top scholars worldwide, from which I gained a lot.

Tokyo nights were stunningly beautiful and lively.

I felt a bit nervous during presentations, but everyone was friendly and offered valuable advice, providing me with a great learning experience.

On the third day of the conference, we enjoyed a luxurious dinner at Gajoen Hotel Tokyo in Meguro, featuring traditional Japanese performances, which was incredibly fascinating.